imgadm -- Manage SmartOS virtual machine images


imgadm help [<command>] help on commands

imgadm sources [<options>] list and edit image sources

imgadm avail [<filters>] list available images
imgadm show <uuid|docker-repo-tag> show manifest of an available image

imgadm import [-P <pool>] <uuid|docker repo:tag>
import image from a source
imgadm install [-P <pool>] -m <manifest> -f <file>
import from local image data

imgadm list [<filters>] list installed images
imgadm get [-P <pool>] <uuid> info on an installed image
imgadm update [<uuid>...] update installed images
imgadm delete [-P <pool>] <uuid> remove an installed image
imgadm ancestry [-P <pool>] <uuid> show ancestry of an installed image
imgadm vacuum [-n] [-f] delete unused images

imgadm create <vm-uuid> [<manifest-field>=<value> ...] ...
create an image from a VM
imgadm publish -m <manifest> -f <file> <imgapi-url>
publish an image to an image repo


The imgadm tool allows you to import and manage virtual machine images on
a SmartOS system. Virtual machine images (also sometimes referred to as
'datasets') are snapshots of pre-installed virtual machines which are
prepared for generic and repeated deployments.

Virtual machine images are made up of two primary components: A
compressed ZFS snapshot, and a manifest (metadata) which describes the
contents of that file. A ZFS snapshot may be of either a ZFS filesystem
(for OS-level virtual machines, a.k.a. zones), or a ZFS zvol (for KVM
virtual machines). The manifest is a JSON serialized description.

The identifier for an image is its UUID. Most commands operate on images
by UUID.

Image API servers that support channels can be configured as sources by
specifying URLs with the 'channel=<channel name>' parameter. The 'import'
command also allows a '-C' argument to override all sources and use the
supplied channel.


-h, --help
Print tool (or subcommand) help and exit.

Print the imgadm version and exit.

-v, --verbose
Verbose logging: trace-level logging, stack on error. See the
IMGADM_LOG_LEVEL=<level> environment variable.

On error, emit a structured JSON error object as the last line of


The following commands are supported:

imgadm help [<command>]

Print general tool help or help on a specific command.

imgadm sources [<options>]

List and edit image sources.

An image source is a URL to a server implementing the IMGAPI. The
default IMGAPI is

Image API server channels can be specified by including a
'?channel=<channel name>' parameter as part of the supplied <url>.

imgadm sources [--verbose|-v] [--json|-j] # list sources
imgadm sources -a <url> [-t <type>] # add a source
imgadm sources -d <url> # delete a source
imgadm sources -e # edit sources
imgadm sources -c # check current sources

-h, --help Show this help.
-v, --verbose Verbose output. List source URL and TYPE.
-j, --json List sources as JSON.

-a <source> Add a source. It is appended to the list of
-d <source> Delete a source.
-e Edit sources in an editor.
-c, --check Ping check all sources.

-t <type>, --type=<type> The source type for an added source. One of
"imgapi" (the default), "docker" (deprecated),
or "dsapi" (deprecated).
-k, --insecure Allow insecure (no server certificate checking)
access to the added HTTPS source URL.
-f, --force Force no "ping check" on new source URLs. By
default a ping check is done against new source
URLs to attempt to ensure they are a running
IMGAPI server.

# SmartOS primary public image repository (defaults to "imgapi")
imgadm sources -a

imgadm avail [<filters>]

List available images from all sources.
This is not supported for Docker sources.

imgadm avail [<options>...]

-h, --help Show this help.
-j, --json JSON output.
-H Do not print table header row.
-o FIELD,... Specify fields (columns) to output. Default is
-s FIELD,... Sort on the given fields. Default is

Fields for "-o" and "-s":
Any of the manifest fields (see `imgadm avail -j` output) plus the
following computed fields for convenience.

published_date just the date part of `published_at`
published `published_at` with the milliseconds removed
source the source URL, if available
clones the number of clones (dependent images and VMs)
size the size, in bytes, of the image file

In addition if this is a docker image, then the following:

docker_id the full docker id string
docker_short_id the short 12 character docker id
docker_repo the docker repo from which this image
originates, if available
docker_tags a JSON array of docker repo tags, if available

imgadm show <uuid|docker-repo-tag>

Show the manifest for an available image. This searches each imgadm
source for an available image with this UUID and prints its manifest
(in JSON format).

imgadm import [-P <pool>] <uuid|docker repo:tag>

Import an image from a source IMGAPI.

This finds the image with the given UUID in the configured sources
and imports it into the local system.

-h, --help Show this help.
-q, --quiet Disable progress bar.
-C <channel> Override the channel used for all sources
when looking for images.
-P <pool> Name of zpool in which to look for the image.
Default is "zones".
-S <url> Specify the URL from which to import the
image. The URL may include a '?channel='
parameter, but note that the -C argument,
if used, will take precedence.

imgadm install [-P <pool>] -m <manifest> -f <file>

Install an image from local manifest and image data files.

-h, --help Print this help and exit.
-m <manifest> Required. Path to the image manifest file.
-f <file> Required. Path to the image file to import.
-P <pool> Name of zpool in which to import the image.
Default is "zones".
-q, --quiet Disable progress bar.

imgadm list [<filters>]

List locally installed images.

imgadm list [<options>...] [<filters>]

-h, --help Show this help.
-j, --json JSON output.
-H Do not print table header row.
-o FIELD,... Specify fields (columns) to output. Default is
-s FIELD,... Sort on the given fields. Default is
--docker Limit and format list similar to `docker images`.

FIELD=VALUE exact string match
FIELD=true|false boolean match
FIELD=~SUBSTRING substring match

Fields for filtering, "-o" and "-s":
Any of the manifest fields (see `imgadm list -j` output) plus the
following computed fields for convenience.

published_date just the date part of `published_at`
published `published_at` with the milliseconds removed
source the source URL, if available
clones the number of clones (dependent images and VMs)
size the size, in bytes, of the image file

In addition if this is a docker image, then the following:

docker_id the full docker id string
docker_short_id the short 12 character docker id
docker_repo the docker repo from which this image
originates, if available
docker_tags a JSON array of docker repo tags, if available

imgadm get [-P <pool>] <uuid>

Get local information for an installed image (JSON format).

-r Recursively gather children (child snapshots
and dependent clones).
-P <pool> Name of zpool in which to look for the image.
Default is "zones".

imgadm update [<uuid>...]

Update currently installed images, if necessary.
This does not yet support images from a "docker" source.

Images that are installed without "imgadm" (e.g. via "zfs recv")
not have cached image manifest information. Also, images installed
prior to imgadm version 2.0.3 will not have a "@final" snapshot
(preferred for provisioning and require for incremental image
creation, via "imgadm create -i ..."). This command will attempt
to retrieve manifest information and to ensure images have the correct
"@final" snapshot, using info from current image sources.

If no "<uuid>" is given, then update is run for all installed images.

-h, --help Print this help and exit.
-n, --dry-run Do a dry-run (do not actually make changes).

imgadm ancestry [-P <pool>] <uuid>

List the ancestry (the "origin" chain) for the given incremental image.

imgadm ancestry [<options>...] <uuid>

-h, --help Show this help.
-j, --json JSON output.
-H Do not print table header row.
-o FIELD,... Specify fields (columns) to output. Default is
-P <pool> Name of zpool in which to look for the image.
Default is "zones".

Fields for "-o":
Any of the manifest fields (see `imgadm list -j` output) plus the
following computed fields for convenience.

published_date just the date part of `published_at`
published `published_at` with the milliseconds removed
source the source URL, if available
clones the number of clones (dependent images and VMs)
size the size, in bytes, of the image file

In addition if this is a docker image, then the following:

docker_id the full docker id string
docker_short_id the short 12 character docker id
docker_repo the docker repo from which this image
originates, if available
docker_tags a JSON array of docker repo tags, if available

imgadm delete [-P <pool>] <uuid>

Delete an image from the local zpool. The removal can only succeed if
the image is not actively in use by a VM -- i.e. has no dependent
ZFS children. "imgadm get -r <uuid>" can be used to show dependent

-h, --help Print this help and exit.
-P <pool> Name of zpool from which to delete the image.
Default is "zones".

imgadm vacuum [-n] [-f] delete unused images

Remove unused images -- i.e. not used for any VMs or child images.

imgadm vacuum [<options>]

-h, --help Show this help.
-n, --dry-run Do a dry-run (do not actually make changes).
-f, --force Force deletion without prompting for confirmation.

imgadm create [<options>] <vm-uuid> [<manifest-field>=<value> ...]

Create an image from the given VM and manifest data.

There are two basic calling modes: (1) a prepare-image script is
provided (via "-s") to have imgadm automatically run the script inside the
VM before image creation; or (2) the given VM is already "prepared" and

The former involves snapshotting the VM, running the prepare-image script
(via the SmartOS mdata operator-script facility), creating the image,
rolling back to the pre-prepared state. This is preferred because it is (a)
easier (fewer steps to follow for imaging) and (b) safe (gating with
snapshot/rollback ensures the VM is unchanged by imaging -- the preparation
script is typically destructive.

With the latter, one first creates a VM from an existing image, customizes
it, runs "sm-prepare-image" (or equivalent for KVM guest OSes), shuts it
down, runs this "imgadm create" to create the image file and manifest, and
finally destroys the "proto" VM.

With either calling mode, the image can optionally be published directly
to a given image repository (IMGAPI) via "-p URL". This can also be
done separately via "imgadm publish".

Note: When creating an image from a VM with brand 'bhyve', 'lx', or
'kvm', the resulting manifest will have requirements.brand set to match
the brand of the source VM. If this is undesirable, the
requirements.brand can be set (optionally empty if the resulting image
should not have this value set) in the manifest passed with the '-m'

-h, --help Print this help and exit.
-m <manifest> Path to image manifest data (as JSON) to
include in the created manifest. Specify "-"
to read manifest JSON from stdin.
-o <path>, --output-template <path>
Path prefix to which to save the created manifest
and image file. By default "NAME-VER.imgmanifest
and "NAME-VER.zfs[.EXT]" are saved to the current
dir. If "PATH" is a dir, then the files are saved
to it. If the basename of "PATH" is not a dir,
then "PATH.imgmanifest" and "PATH.zfs[.EXT]" are
-c <comp>, --compression=<comp>
One of "none", "gzip", "bzip2" or "xz" for the compression
to use on the image file, if any. Default is "none".
-i Build an incremental image (based on the "@final"
snapshot of the source image for the VM).

--max-origin-depth <max-origin-depth>
Maximum origin depth to allow when creating
incremental images. E.g. a value of 3 means that
the image will only be created if there are no more
than 3 parent images in the origin chain.

-s <prepare-image-path>
Path to a script that is run inside the VM to
prepare it for imaging. Specifying this triggers the
full snapshot/prepare-image/create-image/rollback
automatic image creation process (see notes above).
There is a contract with "imgadm" that a
prepare-image script must follow. See the "PREPARE
IMAGE SCRIPT" section in "man imgadm".

-p <url>, --publish <url>
Publish directly to the given image source
(an IMGAPI server). You may not specify both
"-p" and "-o".
-q, --quiet Disable progress bar in upload.

<uuid> The UUID of the prepared and shutdown VM
from which to create the image.
Zero or more manifest fields to include in
in the created manifest. The "<value>" is
first interpreted as JSON, else as a string.
E.g. 'disabled=true' will be a boolean true
and both 'name=foo' and 'name="true"'
will be strings.

# Create an image from VM 5f7a53e9-fc4d-d94b-9205-9ff110742aaf.
echo '{"name": "foo", "version": "1.0.0"}' \
| imgadm create -m - -s /path/to/prepare-image \

# Specify manifest data as arguments.
imgadm create -s prep-image 5f7a53e9-fc4d-d94b-9205-9ff110742aaf \
name=foo version=1.0.0

# Write the manifest and image file to "/var/tmp".
imgadm create -s prep-image 5f7a53e9-fc4d-d94b-9205-9ff110742aaf \
name=foo version=1.0.0 -o /var/tmp

# Publish directly to an image repository (IMGAPI server).
imgadm create -s prep-image 5f7a53e9-fc4d-d94b-9205-9ff110742aaf \
name=foo version=1.0.0 --publish

# Create an image from the prepared and shutdown VM
# 5f7a53e9-fc4d-d94b-9205-9ff110742aaf, using some manifest JSON
# data from stdin.
echo '{"name": "foo", "version": "1.0.0"}' \
| imgadm create -m - 5f7a53e9-fc4d-d94b-9205-9ff110742aaf

imgadm publish [<options>] -m <manifest> -f <file> <imgapi-url>

Publish an image (local manifest and data) to a remote IMGAPI repo.

Typically the local manifest and image file are created with
"imgadm create ...". Note that "imgadm create" supports a
"-p/--publish" option to publish directly in one step.
Limitation: This does not yet support *authentication* that some
IMGAPI image repositories require.

-h, --help Print this help and exit.
-m <manifest> Required. Path to the image manifest to import.
-f <file> Required. Path to the image file to import.
-q, --quiet Disable progress bar.


Image creation basically involves a zfs send of a customized and prepared
VM to a file for use in creating new VMs (along with a manifest file that
captures metadata about the image). "Customized" means software in the VM
is installed and setup as desired. "Prepared" means that the VM is
cleaned up (e.g. host keys removed, log files removed or truncated,
hardcoded IP information removed) and tools required for VM creation
(e.g. zoneinit in SmartOS VMs, guest tools for Linux and Windows OSes)
are layed down.

As described above "imgadm create" has two modes: one where a
prepare-image script is given for "imgadm create" to run (gated by VM
snapshotting and rollback for safety); and another where one manually
prepares and stops a VM before calling "imgadm create". This section
describes prepare-image and guest requirements for the former.

The given prepare-image script is run via the SmartOS mdata
"sdc:operator-script" facility. This requires the guest tools in the VM
to support "sdc:operator-script" (SmartOS zones running on SDC 7.0
platforms with OS-2515, from 24 Sep 2013, support this.)

For orderly VM preparation, a prepare-image script must implement the
following contract:

1 The script starts out by setting:

mdata-put prepare-image:state running

2 On successful completion it sets:

mdata-put prepare-image:state success

3 On error it sets:

mdata-put prepare-image:state error
mdata-put prepare-image:error '... some error details ...'

These are not required as, obviously, imgadm create needs to reliably
handle a prepare-image script crash. However setting these enables imgadm
create to fail fast.

4 Shutdown the VM when done.

Preparing a VM for imaging is meant to be a quick activity. By default
there is a 5 minute timeout on state transitions: (VM booted) -> running
-> success or error -> (VM stopped).


Since version 3.0.0 imgadm has support for importing Docker images in
importing images of type=docker from an IMGAPI source.

Use the following to mimic docker images:

imgadm list --docker

and list all Docker images (including intermediate layers) with:

imgadm list type=docker

A subset of the full Docker "image json" metadata is stored as "docker:*"
tags on the image. E.g. for the current "busybox:latest":

"tags": {
"docker:id": "4986bf8c15363d1c5d15512d5266f8777bfba4974ac56e3270e7760f6f0a8125",
"docker:architecture": "amd64",
"docker:repo": "",
"docker:tag:buildroot-2014.02": true,
"docker:tag:latest": true,
"docker:config": {
"Cmd": [
"Entrypoint": null,
"Env": [
"WorkingDir": ""


Version 3 of "imgadm" added Docker image support. This involved a
significant refactoring of import and source handling leading to a few
compatibility differences with previous versions. These are:

+o "imgadm sources -j" is an object for each source; previously each
listed sources we just a string (the URL).

+o "imgadm sources -e" includes type in edited lines.

The imgadm tool was re-written for version 2. There are a few minor
compatibility differences with earlier imgadm. These are:

+o "imgadm show <uuid>" no longer includes the non-standard "_url"
field. The equivalent data is now in the "source" field of "imgadm
info <uuid>".

+o "imgadm update" used to be required to fetch current available image
manifests from the image source(s). That is no longer required.
However, "imgadm update" remains (for backwards compat) and now
fetches image manifests for locally install images that were not
installed by imgadm. If there are none, then "imgadm update" is a

+o "imgadm list" default output columns have changed from "UUID, OS,
"urn" field is now deprecated, hence the change. The old output can
be achieved via: "imgadm list -o uuid,os,published,urn"

+o The internal database dir has changed from "/var/db/imgadm" to
"/var/imgadm". One side-effect of this is that one can no longer edit
image sources by editing "/var/db/imgadm/sources.list". The "imgadm
sources" command should now be used for this.

+o "imgadm info <uuid>" output no longer includes the (previously
undocumented) "volume" key.



Set to 1 to allow an imgadm source URL that uses HTTPS to a server
without a valid SSL certificate.


Set the level at which imgadm will log to stderr. Supported levels are
"trace", "debug", "info", "warn" (default), "error", "fatal".


If provided, this value is used for imgadm's logging.


The following exit values are returned:

Successful completion.

An error occurred.

Usage error.

"ImageNotInstalled" error. Returned when an operation is requested
on an image UUID that needs to be installed, but is not.


vmadm(8), zfs(8)

March 2024 IMGADM(8)